diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/legacy_py/ b/legacy_py/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a79e27..0000000
--- a/legacy_py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import os
-for i in range(len(files)):
- os.system('wget -O source'+str(i+1)+'.html --no-check-certificate '+files[i])
-for i in range(len(stories)):
- os.system('wget -O story'+str(i+1)+'.html --no-check-certificate '+stories[i])
-f=open('testOut.html', 'r', encoding="utf8")
diff --git a/legacy_py/ b/legacy_py/
deleted file mode 100755
index cb23f61..0000000
--- a/legacy_py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-import wget
-import os
-def getHeds(heds, h_class=None):
- hed_text=[]
- hed_hrefs=[]
- #print(heds[0])
- for hed in heds:
- #print('*'+hed.string)
- if hed.a:
- try:
- if h_class==None or hed['class'][0]==h_class:
- if hed.a.string!=None: hed_text.append(hed.a.string.strip())
- if hed.a['href']!='': hed_hrefs.append(hed.a['href'])
- except:
- continue
- return hed_text, hed_hrefs
-def get_nyt():
- #init vars
- stories={}
- #download and soup web page
-'', out="nyt.html")
- soup = BeautifulSoup(open("nyt.html", encoding="utf8"), "lxml")
- os.remove('nyt.html')
- #get top story
- h1s=soup('h1')
- h1_heds, h1_href = getHeds(h1s, 'story-heading')
- stories['h1']={'heds':[h1_heds[0]], 'href':[h1_href[0]]}
- #get secondary stories
- aCol = soup.find_all('div', 'a-column')
- h2s=aCol[0].find_all('h2')
- h2_heds, h2_href = getHeds(h2s, 'story-heading')
- stories['h2']={'heds':h2_heds, 'href':h2_href}
- #get tertiary stories
- bCol = soup.find_all('div', 'b-column')
- h3s=bCol[0].find_all('h2')
- h3_heds, h3_href = getHeds(h3s, 'story-heading')
- stories['h3']={'heds':h3_heds, 'href':h3_href}
- return stories
-def get_fox():
- #init vars
- stories={}
- h2_heds = []
- h2_href = []
- #download and soup web page
-'', out="fox.html")
- soup = BeautifulSoup(open("fox.html", encoding="utf8"), "lxml")
- os.remove('fox.html')
- #get top story
- h1s=soup('h1')
- h1_heds, h1_href = getHeds(h1s)
- stories['h1']={'heds':[h1_heds[0]], 'href':[h1_href[0]]}
- #get secondary stories - <div top-stories><li> (loop for first <a>)
- topStories = soup('div', 'top-stories')
- topStoriesCols = topStories[0].ul
- for c in topStoriesCols.children:
- if c.string==None:
- h2_heds.append(c.h3.text)
- h2_href.append(c.a['href'])
- stories['h2']={'heds':h2_heds, 'href':h2_href}
- #get tertiary stories
- h3s=topStoriesCols.find_all('li')
- h3_heds, h3_href=getHeds(h3s)
- for href in h3_href:
- if href in h2_href:
- h3_href.remove(href)
- stories['h3']={'heds':h3_heds, 'href':h3_href}
- return stories
-def get_nbc():
- #init vars
- stories={}
- #download and soup web page
-'', out="nbc.html")
- soup = BeautifulSoup(open("nbc.html", encoding="utf8"), "lxml")
- os.remove('nbc.html')
- #get top story
- panel = soup.find_all('div', 'panel-txt_hero')
- h1_heds=panel[0].find_all('h3')
- panel = soup.find_all('div', 'panel-txt')
- stories['h1']={'heds':[h1_heds[0].text.strip()], 'href':[''+panel[0].a['href']]}
- #get secondary stories - div class panel
- h2s = soup.find_all('div', 'story-link_default-height')
- story_heds=[]
- for item in h2s:
- story_heds.append(item.h3.text.strip())
- h2_heds, h2_href = getHeds(h2s)
- for i in range(len(h2_href)):
- h2_href[i]=''+h2_href[i]
- stories['h2']={'heds':story_heds[:3], 'href':h2_href[:3]}
- #get tertiary stories - div class story-link
- stories['h3']={'heds':story_heds[3:], 'href':h2_href[3:]}
- return stories
-def getTwitterCard(url):
- card={}
-, out="card.html")
- cmd='wget --no-check-certificate '+url+' -O card.html'
- print(cmd)
- ret=os.system(cmd)
- print(ret)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(open("card.html", encoding="utf8"), "lxml")
- #os.remove('card.html')
- hed=soup.find_all('meta', {'name' : 'twitter:title'})
- card['hed']=hed[0]['content']
- img=soup.find_all('meta', {'name' : 'twitter:image'})
- card['img']=img[0]['content']
- return card
diff --git a/legacy_py/ b/legacy_py/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4340148..0000000
--- a/legacy_py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from get_sources import *