path: root/.gitmodules
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-11replace janky deploy script with stow and makeMatt Singleton
2013-08-21replace pathogen with vundleMatt Singleton
2013-06-15remove tagbarMatt Singleton
2013-03-18gitgutter and tagbarMatt Singleton
2012-05-03add powerlineMatt Singleton
2011-12-19adding ctrlp at 1.6.4Matt Singleton
2011-12-19adding bufexplorer at 7.2.8Matt Singleton
2011-12-19adding vim-colors-solarized at 528a59f (master HEAD)Matt Singleton
2011-12-19adding vim-coffee-script at v002Matt Singleton
2011-12-19adding nerdtree at 4.1.0Matt Singleton
2011-12-19add pathogen as a submoduleMatt Singleton