path: root/vim/plugin
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authorMatt Singleton <matthew.j.singleton@gmail.com>2010-04-14 09:23:54 -0400
committerMatt Singleton <matthew.j.singleton@gmail.com>2010-04-14 09:23:54 -0400
commit3bb94d90272c2a44dd3dbbad7d0a78e3c34a04c8 (patch)
tree8f4d3c3a7a0722b46da76e25842a497cbf30fcc0 /vim/plugin
parent56603d7b3f9d762fae48771829810a18d0b78e24 (diff)
adding new vim color scheme
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/plugin')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/plugin/ScrollColor.vim b/vim/plugin/ScrollColor.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4960c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/plugin/ScrollColor.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+" ScrollColors.vim - Colorsheme Scroller, Chooser, and Browser
+" Author and maintainer: Yakov Lerner <iler_ml@fastmail.fm>
+" Last Change: 2006-07-18
+" This is colorscheme Scroller/Chooser/Browser.
+" With this plugin, you walk through installed
+" colorschemes using arrow keys.
+" Drop ScrollColors.vim into your plugin directory.
+" Type :SCROLL
+" Use arrow keys to walk through colorschemes, ? for help, Esc to exit.
+" 1. source ScrollColors.vim " or drop ScrollColors.vim into
+" " your ~/.vim/plugins directory
+" 2. Type :SCROLL
+" 3. Use arrows to scroll thgough colorschemes.
+" 4. When done, press Esc to exit. You will be prompted
+" wether to
+" You can download 140 colorschemes pack from:
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=625
+" Having 140 installed colorschemes is in no way prerequisite for
+" ScrollColors. But with ScrollColors you can preview 140 colorschemes
+" in couple of minutes.
+" You can map two keys of your choice to NextColor and PrevColor actions.
+" Choose pair of shortcut keys (for example <F2> and <f3>, or \n and \p)
+" and map them as follows:
+" map <silent><F3> :NEXTCOLOR<cr>
+" map <silent><F2> :PREVCOLOR<cr>
+if exists("g:scroll_colors") | finish | endif
+let g:scroll_colors = 1
+command! COLORSCROLL :call s:ColorScroller()
+command! SCROLLCOLOR :call s:ColorScroller()
+command! NEXTCOLOR :call s:NextColorscheme()
+command! PREVCOLOR :call s:PrevColorscheme()
+" Example of convenience mappings:
+"map <silent><F3> :NEXTCOLOR<cr>
+"map <silent><F2> :PREVCOLOR<cr>
+"map <silent><F4> :SCROLLCOLOR<cr>
+function! s:ScrollerHelp()
+ echo " "
+ echohl Title
+ echo "Color Scroller Help:"
+ echo "--------------------"
+ echohl NONE
+ echo "Arrows - change colorscheme"
+ echo "Esc,q,Enter - exit"
+ echo "h,j,k,l - change colorscheme"
+ echo "0,g - go to first colorscheme"
+ echo "$,G - go to last colorscheme"
+ echo "L - list colorschemes"
+ echo "PgUp,PgDown - jump by 10 colorschemes"
+ echo "# - go to colorscheme by index (1-N)"
+ echo "R - refresh colorscheme list"
+ echo "? - this help text"
+ echohl MoreMsg
+ echo "Press any key to continue"
+ echohl NONE
+ call getchar()
+function! s:Align(s, width)
+ if strlen(a:s) >= a:width
+ return a:s." "
+ else
+ let pad=" "
+ let res=a:s
+ while strlen(res) < a:width
+ let chunk = (a:width - strlen(res) > strlen(pad) ? strlen(pad) : a:width - strlen(res))
+ let res = res . strpart(pad,0,chunk)
+ endw
+ return res
+ endif
+function! s:ListColors()
+ echo " "
+ let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
+ let width=18
+ let pos=0
+ while list != ''
+ let str=substitute(list,"\n.*","","")
+ let list=substitute(list,"[^\n]*\n", "", "")
+ let aligned = s:Align(str, width)
+ if( pos+strlen(aligned)+1 >= &columns)
+ echo " "
+ let pos=0
+ endif
+ echon aligned
+ let pos = pos + strlen(aligned)
+ endw
+ echo "Press any key to continue"
+ call getchar()
+function! s:CurrentColor()
+ return exists("g:colors_name") ? g:colors_name : ""
+function! s:SetColor(name)
+ exe "color ".a:name
+ " if we do not assign a:colors_name, then
+ " bad things happen if file colors/name.vim conmtains wrong assignment inside.
+ " Wrong assignment inside happens when file was copied but
+ " assignment inside not fixed.
+ " Such wrong assignment cause up erratic switches unless
+ " we do our own assignment to g:colors_name
+ let g:colors_name=a:name
+function! s:JumpByIndex(list,total)
+ let ans = input("Enter colorscheme number (1-".a:total.") : ")
+ let index = (ans<=0? 1 : 1+(ans-1)%a:total )
+ let name = s:EntryByIndex(a:list, index )
+ call s:SetColor(name)
+function! s:JumpByIndex2(list,total, index)
+ let mod = (a:index <= 0? 1 : 1+(a:index-1)%a:total )
+ let name = s:EntryByIndex(a:list, mod )
+ call s:SetColor(name)
+function! s:ExitDialog(old, action)
+ let ans = 0
+ if a:old == s:CurrentColor()
+ let ans=1
+ elseif a:action == ''
+ let ans = confirm("Keep this colorscheme ?", "&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel")
+ elseif action == 'keep'
+ ans = 1
+ elseif action == 'revert'
+ ans = 2
+ endif
+ if ans == 1 || ans==0
+ " exit, keep colorscheme
+ let msg = (a:old == s:CurrentColor() ? '' : "(original: '".a:old."')")
+ call s:FinalEcho( msg )
+ elseif ans == 2
+ " exit, revert colorscheme
+ call s:SetColor(a:old)
+ call s:FinalEcho('original color restored')
+ elseif ans == 3
+ " do not exit, continue browsing
+ return -1
+ endif
+function! s:ColorScroller()
+ let old = s:CurrentColor()
+ let list = s:GetColorschemesList()
+ let total = s:CountEntries(list)
+ let loop=0
+ if line("$") == 1 && getline(1) == "" && bufnr('$')==1
+ " if buffer is empty, open something
+ echo "We will open sample text with syntax highlighting."
+ echo "Watch for the guiding prompt in the bottom line."
+ echo "When the text will open, use Arrow keys to switch colorschemes, ? for help."
+ echo " "
+ echo "Press any key to continue"
+ call getchar()
+ :e $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/abc.vim
+ :setlocal ro
+ syntax on
+ redraw
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:syntax_on")
+ syntax on
+ redraw
+ endif
+ while 1
+ redraw
+ let index = s:FindIndex(list, s:CurrentColor())
+ echo "["
+ echohl Search
+ echon s:CurrentColor()
+ echohl NONE
+ if loop == 0
+ echon "] ColorScroller: "
+ echohl MoreMsg | echon "Arrows" | echohl NONE | echon "-next/prev; "
+ echohl MoreMsg | echon "Esc" | echohl NONE | echon "-exit; "
+ echohl MoreMsg | echon "?" | echohl NONE | echon "-help > "
+ else
+ echon "] "
+ echon " " . index . "/" . total . " "
+ echon s:Align("", 12-strlen(s:CurrentColor()))
+ echon "> ColorScroll > "
+ echon "Arrows,Esc,? > "
+ endif
+ let key = getchar()
+ let c = nr2char(key)
+ if key == "\<Left>" || key == "\<Up>" || c ==# 'h' || c ==# 'j'
+ call s:PrevSilent()
+ elseif key == "\<Down>" || key == "\<Right>" || c ==# 'l' || c==# 'k' || c==# ' '
+ call s:NextSilent()
+ elseif c==# 'g' || c=='0' || c=='1'
+ call s:SetColor( s:GetFirstColors() )
+ elseif c=='$' || c==# 'G'
+ call s:SetColor( s:GetLastColors() )
+ elseif c ==# 'L'
+ " command 'L' list colors
+ call s:ListColors()
+ elseif c=='Z' || c=='z' || key == 13 || c=='q' || c=='Q' || c==':' || key == 27
+ if s:ExitDialog(old, '') != -1
+ break
+ endif
+ elseif key == 12 " c=="\<C-L>"
+ redraw
+ elseif c == '#'
+ call s:JumpByIndex(list,total)
+ elseif key == "\<PageDown>"
+ call s:JumpByIndex2(list,total, (index-10>=1 ? index-10 : index-10+total))
+ elseif key == "\<PageUp>"
+ call s:JumpByIndex2(list,total, index+10)
+ elseif c == '?'
+ call s:ScrollerHelp()
+ elseif c == 'R'
+ call s:RefreshColorschemesList()
+ echo "Colorscheme list refreshed. Press any key to continue."
+ call getchar()
+ else
+ call s:ScrollerHelp()
+ endif
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ endw
+" Get 1-based index of 'entry' in \n-separated 'list'
+function! s:FindIndex(list,entry)
+ " we assume entry has no special chars or we could escape() it
+ let str = substitute("\n" . a:list . "\n", "\n" . a:entry . "\n.*$", "", "")
+ return 1 + s:CountEntries(str)
+" Get list element by 1-based index
+function! s:EntryByIndex(list,index)
+ let k=1
+ let tail=a:list
+ while tail != '' && k < a:index
+ let tail=substitute(tail, "^[^\n]*\n", "", "")
+ let k = k + 1
+ endw
+ let tail = substitute(tail, "\n.*$", "", "")
+ return tail
+function! s:MakeWellFormedList(list)
+ " make sure last \n is present
+ let str=a:list."\n"
+ " make sure leading \n are not present
+ let str=substitute(str, "^\n*", "", "")
+ " make sure entries are separated by exactly one \n
+ let str=substitute(str, "\n\\+", "\n", "g")
+ return str
+function! s:CountEntries(list)
+ let str = s:MakeWellFormedList(a:list)
+ let str=substitute(str, "[^\n]\\+\n", ".", "g")
+ return strlen(str)
+function! s:RemoveDuplicates(list)
+ let sep = "\n"
+ let res = s:MakeWellFormedList(a:list . "\n")
+ let beg = 0
+ while beg < strlen(res)
+ let end = matchend(res, sep, beg)
+ let str1 = strpart( res, beg, end - beg)
+ let res = strpart(res,0,end) . substitute("\n".strpart(res,end), "\n".str1,"\n","g")
+ let res = substitute(res, "\n\\+", "\n", "g")
+ let beg = end
+ endw
+ return res
+if v:version >= 700
+" s:SortVar(): sort components of string @var separated
+" by delimiter @sep, and returns the sorted string.
+" For example, s:SortVar("c\nb\na", "\n") returns "a\nb\nc\n"
+function! s:SortVar(list, sep)
+ let list = split( a:list, a:sep )
+ let sorted = sort(list)
+ let result = join( sorted, "\n" )
+ return result . "\n"
+if v:version < 700
+" s:SortVar(): sort components of string @var separated
+" by delimiter @sep, and returns the sorted string.
+" For example, s:SortVar("c\nb\na", "\n") returns "a\nb\nc\n"
+function! s:SortVar(list, sep)
+ let res=s:MakeWellFormedList(a:list . "\n")
+ while 1
+ let disorder=0
+ let index1=0
+ let len=strlen(res)
+ while 1
+ let index2=matchend(res, a:sep, index1)
+ if index2 == -1 || index2>=len
+ break
+ endif
+ let index3=matchend(res, a:sep, index2)
+ if index3 == -1
+ let index3=len
+ endif
+ let str1=strpart(res, index1, index2-index1)
+ let str2=strpart(res, index2, index3-index2)
+ if str1 > str2
+ let disorder=1
+ " swap str1 and str2 in res
+ let res=strpart(res,0,index1).str2.str1.strpart(res,index3)
+ let index1=index1 + strlen(str2)
+ else
+ let index1=index1 + strlen(str1)
+ endif
+ endw
+ if !disorder
+ break
+ endif
+ endw
+ return res
+endif " v:version < 700
+let s:list = ""
+function! s:GetColorschemesList()
+ if s:list == ""
+ let s:list = s:RefreshColorschemesList()
+ endif
+ return s:list
+function! s:RefreshColorschemesList()
+ let x=globpath(&rtp, "colors/*.vim")
+ let y=substitute(x."\n","\\(^\\|\n\\)[^\n]*[/\\\\]", "\n", "g")
+ let z=substitute(y,"\\.vim\n", "\n", "g")
+ let sorted = s:SortVar(z, "\n")
+ let s:list = s:RemoveDuplicates(sorted)
+ return s:list
+function! s:GetFirstColors()
+ let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
+ let trim=substitute(list, "^\n\\+", "", "")
+ return substitute(trim, "\n.*", "", "")
+function! s:GetLastColors()
+ let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
+ let trim=substitute(list, "\n\\+$", "", "")
+ return substitute(trim, "^.*\n", "", "")
+function! s:FinalEcho(suffix)
+ let list = s:GetColorschemesList()
+ let total = s:CountEntries(list)
+ let index = s:FindIndex(list, s:CurrentColor())
+ redraw
+ echon "["
+ echohl Search
+ echon s:CurrentColor()
+ echohl NONE
+ echon "] colorscheme #".index ." of " . total.". "
+ echon a:suffix
+function! s:GetNextColor(color)
+ let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
+ if ("\n".list) =~ ("\n".s:CurrentColor()."\n")
+ let next=substitute("\n".list."\n", ".*\n".a:color."\n", "", "")
+ let next = substitute(next, "\n.*", "", "")
+ return next=='' ? s:GetFirstColors() : next
+ else
+ return s:GetFirstColors()
+ endif
+function! s:GetPrevColor(color)
+ let list=s:GetColorschemesList()
+ if ("\n".list) =~ ("\n".a:color."\n")
+ let prev=substitute("\n".list."\n", "\n".a:color."\n.*", "", "")
+ let prev=substitute(prev, "^.*\n", "", "")
+ return prev=='' ? s:GetLastColors() : prev
+ else
+ return s:GetLastColors()
+ endif
+function! s:NextSilent()
+ let old = s:CurrentColor()
+ let next = s:GetNextColor(s:CurrentColor())
+ call s:SetColor( next )
+function! s:PrevSilent()
+ let old = s:CurrentColor()
+ let prev = s:GetPrevColor(s:CurrentColor())
+ call s:SetColor( prev )
+function! s:NextColorscheme()
+ let old = s:CurrentColor()
+ let next = s:GetNextColor(s:CurrentColor())
+ call s:SetColor( next )
+ redraw
+ call s:FinalEcho('previous: '.old)
+function! s:PrevColorscheme()
+ let old = s:CurrentColor()
+ let prev = s:GetPrevColor(s:CurrentColor())
+ call s:SetColor( prev )
+ redraw
+ call s:FinalEcho('previous: '.old)
+command! CN :call s:NextColorscheme()
+command! CP :call s:PrevColorscheme()
+map \n :CN<cr>
+map \p :CP<cr>
+map \c :echo g:colors_name<cr>
+" 2006-07-18 fixed bug with Align() -> s:Align() (affected L command)
+" 2006-07-18 added colorlist cache (s:list)
+" 2006-07-18 added R key to refresh colorlist
+" 2006-07-19 for vim7, sort using builtin sort() (bubblesort is slow)