" Language: CoffeeScript " Maintainer: Mick Koch " URL: http://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script " License: WTFPL if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal autoindent setlocal indentexpr=GetCoffeeIndent(v:lnum) " Make sure GetCoffeeIndent is run when these are typed so they can be " indented or outdented. setlocal indentkeys+=0],0),0.,=else,=when,=catch,=finally " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetCoffeeIndent") finish endif " Keywords to indent after let s:INDENT_AFTER_KEYWORD = '^\%(if\|unless\|else\|for\|while\|until\|' \ . 'loop\|switch\|when\|try\|catch\|finally\|' \ . 'class\)\>' " Operators to indent after let s:INDENT_AFTER_OPERATOR = '\%([([{:=]\|[-=]>\)$' " Keywords and operators that continue a line let s:CONTINUATION = '\<\%(is\|isnt\|and\|or\)\>$' \ . '\|' \ . '\%(-\@\|\*\|/\@' " A compound assignment like `... = if ...` let s:COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT = '[:=]\s*\%(if\|unless\|for\|while\|until\|' \ . 'switch\|try\|class\)\>' " A postfix condition like `return ... if ...`. let s:POSTFIX_CONDITION = '\S\s\+\zs\<\%(if\|unless\)\>' " A single-line else statement like `else ...` but not `else if ... let s:SINGLE_LINE_ELSE = '^else\s\+\%(\<\%(if\|unless\)\>\)\@!' " Max lines to look back for a match let s:MAX_LOOKBACK = 50 " Syntax names for strings let s:SYNTAX_STRING = 'coffee\%(String\|AssignString\|Embed\|Regex\|Heregex\|' \ . 'Heredoc\)' " Syntax names for comments let s:SYNTAX_COMMENT = 'coffee\%(Comment\|BlockComment\|HeregexComment\)' " Syntax names for strings and comments let s:SYNTAX_STRING_COMMENT = s:SYNTAX_STRING . '\|' . s:SYNTAX_COMMENT " Get the linked syntax name of a character. function! s:SyntaxName(linenum, col) return synIDattr(synID(a:linenum, a:col, 1), 'name') endfunction " Check if a character is in a comment. function! s:IsComment(linenum, col) return s:SyntaxName(a:linenum, a:col) =~ s:SYNTAX_COMMENT endfunction " Check if a character is in a string. function! s:IsString(linenum, col) return s:SyntaxName(a:linenum, a:col) =~ s:SYNTAX_STRING endfunction " Check if a character is in a comment or string. function! s:IsCommentOrString(linenum, col) return s:SyntaxName(a:linenum, a:col) =~ s:SYNTAX_STRING_COMMENT endfunction " Check if a whole line is a comment. function! s:IsCommentLine(linenum) " Check the first non-whitespace character. return s:IsComment(a:linenum, indent(a:linenum) + 1) endfunction " Repeatedly search a line for a regex until one is found outside a string or " comment. function! s:SmartSearch(linenum, regex) " Start at the first column. let col = 0 " Search until there are no more matches, unless a good match is found. while 1 call cursor(a:linenum, col + 1) let [_, col] = searchpos(a:regex, 'cn', a:linenum) " No more matches. if !col break endif if !s:IsCommentOrString(a:linenum, col) return 1 endif endwhile " No good match found. return 0 endfunction " Skip a match if it's in a comment or string, is a single-line statement that " isn't adjacent, or is a postfix condition. function! s:ShouldSkip(startlinenum, linenum, col) if s:IsCommentOrString(a:linenum, a:col) return 1 endif " Check for a single-line statement that isn't adjacent. if s:SmartSearch(a:linenum, '\') && a:startlinenum - a:linenum > 1 return 1 endif if s:SmartSearch(a:linenum, s:POSTFIX_CONDITION) && \ !s:SmartSearch(a:linenum, s:COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " Find the farthest line to look back to, capped to line 1 (zero and negative " numbers cause bad things). function! s:MaxLookback(startlinenum) return max([1, a:startlinenum - s:MAX_LOOKBACK]) endfunction " Get the skip expression for searchpair(). function! s:SkipExpr(startlinenum) return "s:ShouldSkip(" . a:startlinenum . ", line('.'), col('.'))" endfunction " Search for pairs of text. function! s:SearchPair(start, end) " The cursor must be in the first column for regexes to match. call cursor(0, 1) let startlinenum = line('.') " Don't need the W flag since MaxLookback caps the search to line 1. return searchpair(a:start, '', a:end, 'bcn', \ s:SkipExpr(startlinenum), \ s:MaxLookback(startlinenum)) endfunction " Try to find a previous matching line. function! s:GetMatch(curline) let firstchar = a:curline[0] if firstchar == '}' return s:SearchPair('{', '}') elseif firstchar == ')' return s:SearchPair('(', ')') elseif firstchar == ']' return s:SearchPair('\[', '\]') elseif a:curline =~ '^else\>' return s:SearchPair('\<\%(if\|unless\|when\)\>', '\') elseif a:curline =~ '^catch\>' return s:SearchPair('\', '\') elseif a:curline =~ '^finally\>' return s:SearchPair('\', '\') endif return 0 endfunction " Get the nearest previous line that isn't a comment. function! s:GetPrevNormalLine(startlinenum) let curlinenum = a:startlinenum while curlinenum > 0 let curlinenum = prevnonblank(curlinenum - 1) if !s:IsCommentLine(curlinenum) return curlinenum endif endwhile return 0 endfunction " Try to find a comment in a line. function! s:FindComment(linenum) let col = 0 while 1 call cursor(a:linenum, col + 1) let [_, col] = searchpos('#', 'cn', a:linenum) if !col break endif if s:IsComment(a:linenum, col) return col endif endwhile return 0 endfunction " Get a line without comments or surrounding whitespace. function! s:GetTrimmedLine(linenum) let comment = s:FindComment(a:linenum) let line = getline(a:linenum) if comment " Subtract 1 to get to the column before the comment and another 1 for " zero-based indexing. let line = line[:comment - 2] endif return substitute(substitute(line, '^\s\+', '', ''), \ '\s\+$', '', '') endfunction function! s:GetCoffeeIndent(curlinenum) let prevlinenum = s:GetPrevNormalLine(a:curlinenum) " Don't do anything if there's no previous line. if !prevlinenum return -1 endif let curline = s:GetTrimmedLine(a:curlinenum) " Try to find a previous matching statement. This handles outdenting. let matchlinenum = s:GetMatch(curline) if matchlinenum return indent(matchlinenum) endif " Try to find a matching `when`. if curline =~ '^when\>' && !s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, '\') let linenum = a:curlinenum while linenum > 0 let linenum = s:GetPrevNormalLine(linenum) if getline(linenum) =~ '^\s*when\>' return indent(linenum) endif endwhile return -1 endif let prevline = s:GetTrimmedLine(prevlinenum) let previndent = indent(prevlinenum) " Always indent after these operators. if prevline =~ s:INDENT_AFTER_OPERATOR return previndent + &shiftwidth endif " Indent after a continuation if it's the first. if prevline =~ s:CONTINUATION let prevprevlinenum = s:GetPrevNormalLine(prevlinenum) " If the continuation is the first in the file, don't run the other checks. if !prevprevlinenum return previndent + &shiftwidth endif let prevprevline = s:GetTrimmedLine(prevprevlinenum) if prevprevline !~ s:CONTINUATION && prevprevline !~ s:CONTINUATION_BLOCK return previndent + &shiftwidth endif return -1 endif " Indent after these keywords and compound assignments if they aren't a " single-line statement. if prevline =~ s:INDENT_AFTER_KEYWORD || prevline =~ s:COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT if !s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, '\') && prevline !~ s:SINGLE_LINE_ELSE return previndent + &shiftwidth endif return -1 endif " Indent a dot access if it's the first. if curline =~ s:DOT_ACCESS && prevline !~ s:DOT_ACCESS return previndent + &shiftwidth endif " Outdent after these keywords if they don't have a postfix condition or are " a single-line statement. if prevline =~ s:OUTDENT_AFTER if !s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, s:POSTFIX_CONDITION) || \ s:SmartSearch(prevlinenum, '\') return previndent - &shiftwidth endif endif " No indenting or outdenting is needed. return -1 endfunction " Wrap s:GetCoffeeIndent to keep the cursor position. function! GetCoffeeIndent(curlinenum) let oldcursor = getpos('.') let indent = s:GetCoffeeIndent(a:curlinenum) call setpos('.', oldcursor) return indent endfunction