path: root/vim/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/doc')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1989 deletions
diff --git a/vim/doc/NERD_tree.txt b/vim/doc/NERD_tree.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e2278c..0000000
--- a/vim/doc/NERD_tree.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
-*NERD_tree.txt* A tree explorer plugin that owns your momma!
- omg its ... ~
- ________ ________ _ ____________ ____ __________ ____________~
- /_ __/ / / / ____/ / | / / ____/ __ \/ __ \ /_ __/ __ \/ ____/ ____/~
- / / / /_/ / __/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / __/ / __/ ~
- / / / __ / /___ / /| / /___/ _, _/ /_/ / / / / _, _/ /___/ /___ ~
- /_/ /_/ /_/_____/ /_/ |_/_____/_/ |_/_____/ /_/ /_/ |_/_____/_____/ ~
- Reference Manual~
-CONTENTS *NERDTree-contents*
- 1.Intro...................................|NERDTree|
- 2.Functionality provided..................|NERDTreeFunctionality|
- 2.1.Global commands...................|NERDTreeGlobalCommands|
- 2.2.Bookmarks.........................|NERDTreeBookmarks|
- 2.2.1.The bookmark table..........|NERDTreeBookmarkTable|
- 2.2.2.Bookmark commands...........|NERDTreeBookmarkCommands|
- 2.2.3.Invalid bookmarks...........|NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks|
- 2.3.NERD tree mappings................|NERDTreeMappings|
- 2.4.The NERD tree menu................|NERDTreeMenu|
- 3.Options.................................|NERDTreeOptions|
- 3.1.Option summary....................|NERDTreeOptionSummary|
- 3.2.Option details....................|NERDTreeOptionDetails|
- 4.The NERD tree API.......................|NERDTreeAPI|
- 4.1.Key map API.......................|NERDTreeKeymapAPI|
- 4.2.Menu API..........................|NERDTreeMenuAPI|
- 5.About...................................|NERDTreeAbout|
- 6.Changelog...............................|NERDTreeChangelog|
- 7.Credits.................................|NERDTreeCredits|
- 8.License.................................|NERDTreeLicense|
-1. Intro *NERDTree*
-What is this "NERD tree"??
-The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and
-directories. It presents the filesystem to you in the form of a tree which you
-manipulate with the keyboard and/or mouse. It also allows you to perform
-simple filesystem operations.
-The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree:
- * Files and directories are displayed in a hierarchical tree structure
- * Different highlighting is provided for the following types of nodes:
- * files
- * directories
- * sym-links
- * windows .lnk files
- * read-only files
- * executable files
- * Many (customisable) mappings are provided to manipulate the tree:
- * Mappings to open/close/explore directory nodes
- * Mappings to open files in new/existing windows/tabs
- * Mappings to change the current root of the tree
- * Mappings to navigate around the tree
- * ...
- * Directories and files can be bookmarked.
- * Most NERD tree navigation can also be done with the mouse
- * Filtering of tree content (can be toggled at runtime)
- * custom file filters to prevent e.g. vim backup files being displayed
- * optional displaying of hidden files (. files)
- * files can be "turned off" so that only directories are displayed
- * The position and size of the NERD tree window can be customised
- * The order in which the nodes in the tree are listed can be customised.
- * A model of your filesystem is created/maintained as you explore it. This
- has several advantages:
- * All filesystem information is cached and is only re-read on demand
- * If you revisit a part of the tree that you left earlier in your
- session, the directory nodes will be opened/closed as you left them
- * The script remembers the cursor position and window position in the NERD
- tree so you can toggle it off (or just close the tree window) and then
- reopen it (with NERDTreeToggle) the NERD tree window will appear exactly
- as you left it
- * You can have a separate NERD tree for each tab, share trees across tabs,
- or a mix of both.
- * By default the script overrides the default file browser (netw), so if
- you :edit a directory a (slighly modified) NERD tree will appear in the
- current window
- * A programmable menu system is provided (simulates right clicking on a
- node)
- * one default menu plugin is provided to perform basic filesytem
- operations (create/delete/move/copy files/directories)
- * There's an API for adding your own keymappings
-2. Functionality provided *NERDTreeFunctionality*
-2.1. Global Commands *NERDTreeGlobalCommands*
-:NERDTree [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] *:NERDTree*
- Opens a fresh NERD tree. The root of the tree depends on the argument
- given. There are 3 cases: If no argument is given, the current directory
- will be used. If a directory is given, that will be used. If a bookmark
- name is given, the corresponding directory will be used. For example: >
- :NERDTree /home/marty/vim7/src
- :NERDTree foo (foo is the name of a bookmark)
-:NERDTreeFromBookmark <bookmark> *:NERDTreeFromBookmark*
- Opens a fresh NERD tree with the root initialized to the dir for
- <bookmark>. This only reason to use this command over :NERDTree is for
- the completion (which is for bookmarks rather than directories).
-:NERDTreeToggle [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] *:NERDTreeToggle*
- If a NERD tree already exists for this tab, it is reopened and rendered
- again. If no NERD tree exists for this tab then this command acts the
- same as the |:NERDTree| command.
-:NERDTreeMirror *:NERDTreeMirror*
- Shares an existing NERD tree, from another tab, in the current tab.
- Changes made to one tree are reflected in both as they are actually the
- same buffer.
- If only one other NERD tree exists, that tree is automatically mirrored. If
- more than one exists, the script will ask which tree to mirror.
-:NERDTreeClose *:NERDTreeClose*
- Close the NERD tree in this tab.
-:NERDTreeFind *:NERDTreeFind*
- Find the current file in the tree. If no tree exists for the current tab,
- or the file is not under the current root, then initialize a new tree where
- the root is the directory of the current file.
-2.2. Bookmarks *NERDTreeBookmarks*
-Bookmarks in the NERD tree are a way to tag files or directories of interest.
-For example, you could use bookmarks to tag all of your project directories.
-2.2.1. The Bookmark Table *NERDTreeBookmarkTable*
-If the bookmark table is active (see |NERDTree-B| and
-|'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'|), it will be rendered above the tree. You can double
-click bookmarks or use the |NERDTree-o| mapping to activate them. See also,
-|NERDTree-t| and |NERDTree-T|
-2.2.2. Bookmark commands *NERDTreeBookmarkCommands*
-Note that the following commands are only available in the NERD tree buffer.
-:Bookmark <name>
- Bookmark the current node as <name>. If there is already a <name>
- bookmark, it is overwritten. <name> must not contain spaces.
-:BookmarkToRoot <bookmark>
- Make the directory corresponding to <bookmark> the new root. If a treenode
- corresponding to <bookmark> is already cached somewhere in the tree then
- the current tree will be used, otherwise a fresh tree will be opened.
- Note that if <bookmark> points to a file then its parent will be used
- instead.
-:RevealBookmark <bookmark>
- If the node is cached under the current root then it will be revealed
- (i.e. directory nodes above it will be opened) and the cursor will be
- placed on it.
-:OpenBookmark <bookmark>
- <bookmark> must point to a file. The file is opened as though |NERDTree-o|
- was applied. If the node is cached under the current root then it will be
- revealed and the cursor will be placed on it.
-:ClearBookmarks [<bookmarks>]
- Remove all the given bookmarks. If no bookmarks are given then remove all
- bookmarks on the current node.
- Remove all bookmarks.
- Re-read the bookmarks in the |'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'|.
-See also |:NERDTree| and |:NERDTreeFromBookmark|.
-2.2.3. Invalid Bookmarks *NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks*
-If invalid bookmarks are detected, the script will issue an error message and
-the invalid bookmarks will become unavailable for use.
-These bookmarks will still be stored in the bookmarks file (see
-|'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'|), down the bottom. There will always be a blank line
-after the valid bookmarks but before the invalid ones.
-Each line in the bookmarks file represents one bookmark. The proper format is:
-<bookmark name><space><full path to the bookmark location>
-After you have corrected any invalid bookmarks, either restart vim, or go
-:ReadBookmarks from the NERD tree window.
-2.3. NERD tree Mappings *NERDTreeMappings*
-Default Description~ help-tag~
-o.......Open files, directories and bookmarks....................|NERDTree-o|
-go......Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree.....|NERDTree-go|
-t.......Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab.................|NERDTree-t|
-T.......Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab........|NERDTree-T|
-i.......Open selected file in a split window.....................|NERDTree-i|
-gi......Same as i, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gi|
-s.......Open selected file in a new vsplit.......................|NERDTree-s|
-gs......Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gs|
-O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O|
-x.......Close the current nodes parent...........................|NERDTree-x|
-X.......Recursively close all children of the current node.......|NERDTree-X|
-e.......Edit the current dif.....................................|NERDTree-e|
-<CR>...............same as |NERDTree-o|.
-double-click.......same as the |NERDTree-o| map.
-middle-click.......same as |NERDTree-i| for files, same as
- |NERDTree-e| for dirs.
-D.......Delete the current bookmark .............................|NERDTree-D|
-P.......Jump to the root node....................................|NERDTree-P|
-p.......Jump to current nodes parent.............................|NERDTree-p|
-K.......Jump up inside directories at the current tree depth.....|NERDTree-K|
-J.......Jump down inside directories at the current tree depth...|NERDTree-J|
-<C-J>...Jump down to the next sibling of the current directory...|NERDTree-C-J|
-<C-K>...Jump up to the previous sibling of the current directory.|NERDTree-C-K|
-C.......Change the tree root to the selected dir.................|NERDTree-C|
-u.......Move the tree root up one directory......................|NERDTree-u|
-U.......Same as 'u' except the old root node is left open........|NERDTree-U|
-r.......Recursively refresh the current directory................|NERDTree-r|
-R.......Recursively refresh the current root.....................|NERDTree-R|
-m.......Display the NERD tree menu...............................|NERDTree-m|
-cd......Change the CWD to the dir of the selected node...........|NERDTree-cd|
-I.......Toggle whether hidden files displayed....................|NERDTree-I|
-f.......Toggle whether the file filters are used.................|NERDTree-f|
-F.......Toggle whether files are displayed.......................|NERDTree-F|
-B.......Toggle whether the bookmark table is displayed...........|NERDTree-B|
-q.......Close the NERDTree window................................|NERDTree-q|
-A.......Zoom (maximize/minimize) the NERDTree window.............|NERDTree-A|
-?.......Toggle the display of the quick help.....................|NERDTree-?|
- *NERDTree-o*
-Default key: o
-Map option: NERDTreeMapActivateNode
-Applies to: files and directories.
-If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window.
-If a directory is selected it is opened or closed depending on its current
-If a bookmark that links to a directory is selected then that directory
-becomes the new root.
-If a bookmark that links to a file is selected then that file is opened in the
-previous window.
- *NERDTree-go*
-Default key: go
-Map option: None
-Applies to: files.
-If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window, but the
-cursor does not move.
-The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapActivateNode (see
- *NERDTree-t*
-Default key: t
-Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTab
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Opens the selected file in a new tab. If a directory is selected, a fresh
-NERD Tree for that directory is opened in a new tab.
-If a bookmark which points to a directory is selected, open a NERD tree for
-that directory in a new tab. If the bookmark points to a file, open that file
-in a new tab.
- *NERDTree-T*
-Default key: T
-Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent
-Applies to: files and directories.
-The same as |NERDTree-t| except that the focus is kept in the current tab.
- *NERDTree-i*
-Default key: i
-Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenSplit
-Applies to: files.
-Opens the selected file in a new split window and puts the cursor in the new
- *NERDTree-gi*
-Default key: gi
-Map option: None
-Applies to: files.
-The same as |NERDTree-i| except that the cursor is not moved.
-The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapOpenSplit (see
- *NERDTree-s*
-Default key: s
-Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit
-Applies to: files.
-Opens the selected file in a new vertically split window and puts the cursor in
-the new window.
- *NERDTree-gs*
-Default key: gs
-Map option: None
-Applies to: files.
-The same as |NERDTree-s| except that the cursor is not moved.
-The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit (see
- *NERDTree-O*
-Default key: O
-Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively
-Applies to: directories.
-Recursively opens the selelected directory.
-All files and directories are cached, but if a directory would not be
-displayed due to file filters (see |'NERDTreeIgnore'| |NERDTree-f|) or the
-hidden file filter (see |'NERDTreeShowHidden'|) then its contents are not
-cached. This is handy, especially if you have .svn directories.
- *NERDTree-x*
-Default key: x
-Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseDir
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Closes the parent of the selected node.
- *NERDTree-X*
-Default key: X
-Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseChildren
-Applies to: directories.
-Recursively closes all children of the selected directory.
-Tip: To quickly "reset" the tree, use |NERDTree-P| with this mapping.
- *NERDTree-e*
-Default key: e
-Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenExpl
-Applies to: files and directories.
-|:edit|s the selected directory, or the selected file's directory. This could
-result in a NERD tree or a netrw being opened, depending on
- *NERDTree-D*
-Default key: D
-Map option: NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark
-Applies to: lines in the bookmarks table
-Deletes the currently selected bookmark.
- *NERDTree-P*
-Default key: P
-Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpRoot
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Jump to the tree root.
- *NERDTree-p*
-Default key: p
-Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpParent
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Jump to the parent node of the selected node.
- *NERDTree-K*
-Default key: K
-Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Jump to the first child of the current nodes parent.
-If the cursor is already on the first node then do the following:
- * loop back thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find an
- open dir with children
- * go to the first child of that node
- *NERDTree-J*
-Default key: J
-Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Jump to the last child of the current nodes parent.
-If the cursor is already on the last node then do the following:
- * loop forward thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find
- an open dir with children
- * go to the last child of that node
- *NERDTree-C-J*
-Default key: <C-J>
-Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Jump to the next sibling of the selected node.
- *NERDTree-C-K*
-Default key: <C-K>
-Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Jump to the previous sibling of the selected node.
- *NERDTree-C*
-Default key: C
-Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir
-Applies to: directories.
-Make the selected directory node the new tree root. If a file is selected, its
-parent is used.
- *NERDTree-u*
-Default key: u
-Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdir
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Move the tree root up a dir (like doing a "cd ..").
- *NERDTree-U*
-Default key: U
-Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Like |NERDTree-u| except that the old tree root is kept open.
- *NERDTree-r*
-Default key: r
-Map option: NERDTreeMapRefresh
-Applies to: files and directories.
-If a dir is selected, recursively refresh that dir, i.e. scan the filesystem
-for changes and represent them in the tree.
-If a file node is selected then the above is done on it's parent.
- *NERDTree-R*
-Default key: R
-Map option: NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Recursively refresh the tree root.
- *NERDTree-m*
-Default key: m
-Map option: NERDTreeMapMenu
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Display the NERD tree menu. See |NERDTreeMenu| for details.
- *NERDTree-cd*
-Default key: cd
-Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir
-Applies to: files and directories.
-Change vims current working directory to that of the selected node.
- *NERDTree-I*
-Default key: I
-Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleHidden
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Toggles whether hidden files (i.e. "dot files") are displayed.
- *NERDTree-f*
-Default key: f
-Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFilters
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Toggles whether file filters are used. See |'NERDTreeIgnore'| for details.
- *NERDTree-F*
-Default key: F
-Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFiles
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Toggles whether file nodes are displayed.
- *NERDTree-B*
-Default key: B
-Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Toggles whether the bookmarks table is displayed.
- *NERDTree-q*
-Default key: q
-Map option: NERDTreeMapQuit
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Closes the NERDtree window.
- *NERDTree-A*
-Default key: A
-Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleZoom
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Maximize (zoom) and minimize the NERDtree window.
- *NERDTree-?*
-Default key: ?
-Map option: NERDTreeMapHelp
-Applies to: no restrictions.
-Toggles whether the quickhelp is displayed.
-2.3. The NERD tree menu *NERDTreeMenu*
-The NERD tree has a menu that can be programmed via the an API (see
-|NERDTreeMenuAPI|). The idea is to simulate the "right click" menus that most
-file explorers have.
-The script comes with two default menu plugins: exec_menuitem.vim and
-fs_menu.vim. fs_menu.vim adds some basic filesystem operations to the menu for
-creating/deleting/moving/copying files and dirs. exec_menuitem.vim provides a
-menu item to execute executable files.
-Related tags: |NERDTree-m| |NERDTreeApi|
-3. Customisation *NERDTreeOptions*
-3.1. Customisation summary *NERDTreeOptionSummary*
-The script provides the following options that can customise the behaviour the
-NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc.
-|'loaded_nerd_tree'| Turns off the script.
-|'NERDChristmasTree'| Tells the NERD tree to make itself colourful
- and pretty.
-|'NERDTreeAutoCenter'| Controls whether the NERD tree window centers
- when the cursor moves within a specified
- distance to the top/bottom of the window.
-|'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'| Controls the sensitivity of autocentering.
-|'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort'| Tells the NERD tree whether to be case
- sensitive or not when sorting nodes.
-|'NERDTreeChDirMode'| Tells the NERD tree if/when it should change
- vim's current working directory.
-|'NERDTreeHighlightCursorline'| Tell the NERD tree whether to highlight the
- current cursor line.
-|'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'| Tell the NERD tree whether to replace the netrw
- autocommands for exploring local directories.
-|'NERDTreeIgnore'| Tells the NERD tree which files to ignore.
-|'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'| Where the bookmarks are stored.
-|'NERDTreeMouseMode'| Tells the NERD tree how to handle mouse
- clicks.
-|'NERDTreeQuitOnOpen'| Closes the tree window after opening a file.
-|'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display the
- bookmarks table on startup.
-|'NERDTreeShowFiles'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display files
- in the tree on startup.
-|'NERDTreeShowHidden'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display hidden
- files on startup.
-|'NERDTreeShowLineNumbers'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display line
- numbers in the tree window.
-|'NERDTreeSortOrder'| Tell the NERD tree how to sort the nodes in
- the tree.
-|'NERDTreeStatusline'| Set a statusline for NERD tree windows.
-|'NERDTreeWinPos'| Tells the script where to put the NERD tree
- window.
-|'NERDTreeWinSize'| Sets the window size when the NERD tree is
- opened.
-3.2. Customisation details *NERDTreeOptionDetails*
-To enable any of the below options you should put the given line in your
- *'loaded_nerd_tree'*
-If this plugin is making you feel homicidal, it may be a good idea to turn it
-off with this line in your vimrc: >
- let loaded_nerd_tree=1
- *'NERDChristmasTree'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 1.
-If this option is set to 1 then some extra syntax highlighting elements are
-added to the nerd tree to make it more colourful.
-Set it to 0 for a more vanilla looking tree.
- *'NERDTreeAutoCenter'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 1
-If set to 1, the NERD tree window will center around the cursor if it moves to
-within |'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'| lines of the top/bottom of the window.
-This is ONLY done in response to tree navigation mappings,
-i.e. |NERDTree-J| |NERDTree-K| |NERDTree-C-J| |NERDTree-C-K| |NERDTree-p|
-The centering is done with a |zz| operation.
- *'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'*
-Values: Any natural number.
-Default: 3
-This option controls the "sensitivity" of the NERD tree auto centering. See
-|'NERDTreeAutoCenter'| for details.
- *'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 0.
-By default the NERD tree does not sort nodes case sensitively, i.e. nodes
-could appear like this: >
- bar.c
- Baz.c
- blarg.c
- boner.c
- Foo.c
-But, if you set this option to 1 then the case of the nodes will be taken into
-account. The above nodes would then be sorted like this: >
- Baz.c
- Foo.c
- bar.c
- blarg.c
- boner.c
- *'NERDTreeChDirMode'*
-Values: 0, 1 or 2.
-Default: 0.
-Use this option to tell the script when (if at all) to change the current
-working directory (CWD) for vim.
-If it is set to 0 then the CWD is never changed by the NERD tree.
-If set to 1 then the CWD is changed when the NERD tree is first loaded to the
-directory it is initialized in. For example, if you start the NERD tree with >
- :NERDTree /home/marty/foobar
-then the CWD will be changed to /home/marty/foobar and will not be changed
-again unless you init another NERD tree with a similar command.
-If the option is set to 2 then it behaves the same as if set to 1 except that
-the CWD is changed whenever the tree root is changed. For example, if the CWD
-is /home/marty/foobar and you make the node for /home/marty/foobar/baz the new
-root then the CWD will become /home/marty/foobar/baz.
- *'NERDTreeHighlightCursorline'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 1.
-If set to 1, the current cursor line in the NERD tree buffer will be
-highlighted. This is done using the |'cursorline'| option.
- *'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 1.
-If set to 1, doing a >
- :edit <some directory>
-will open up a "secondary" NERD tree instead of a netrw in the target window.
-Secondary NERD trees behaves slighly different from a regular trees in the
-following respects:
- 1. 'o' will open the selected file in the same window as the tree,
- replacing it.
- 2. you can have as many secondary tree as you want in the same tab.
- *'NERDTreeIgnore'*
-Values: a list of regular expressions.
-Default: ['\~$'].
-This option is used to specify which files the NERD tree should ignore. It
-must be a list of regular expressions. When the NERD tree is rendered, any
-files/dirs that match any of the regex's in 'NERDTreeIgnore' wont be
-For example if you put the following line in your vimrc: >
- let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.vim$', '\~$']
-then all files ending in .vim or ~ will be ignored.
-Note: to tell the NERD tree not to ignore any files you must use the following
-line: >
- let NERDTreeIgnore=[]
-The file filters can be turned on and off dynamically with the |NERDTree-f|
- *'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'*
-Values: a path
-Default: $HOME/.NERDTreeBookmarks
-This is where bookmarks are saved. See |NERDTreeBookmarkCommands|.
- *'NERDTreeMouseMode'*
-Values: 1, 2 or 3.
-Default: 1.
-If set to 1 then a double click on a node is required to open it.
-If set to 2 then a single click will open directory nodes, while a double
-click will still be required for file nodes.
-If set to 3 then a single click will open any node.
-Note: a double click anywhere on a line that a tree node is on will
-activate it, but all single-click activations must be done on name of the node
-itself. For example, if you have the following node: >
- | | |-application.rb
-then (to single click activate it) you must click somewhere in
- *'NERDTreeQuitOnOpen'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 0
-If set to 1, the NERD tree window will close after opening a file with the
-|NERDTree-o|, |NERDTree-i|, |NERDTree-t| and |NERDTree-T| mappings.
- *'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 0.
-If this option is set to 1 then the bookmarks table will be displayed.
-This option can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-B|
- *'NERDTreeShowFiles'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 1.
-If this option is set to 1 then files are displayed in the NERD tree. If it is
-set to 0 then only directories are displayed.
-This option can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-F|
-mapping and is useful for drastically shrinking the tree when you are
-navigating to a different part of the tree.
- *'NERDTreeShowHidden'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 0.
-This option tells vim whether to display hidden files by default. This option
-can be dynamically toggled, per tree, with the |NERDTree-I| mapping. Use one
-of the follow lines to set this option: >
- let NERDTreeShowHidden=0
- let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
- *'NERDTreeShowLineNumbers'*
-Values: 0 or 1.
-Default: 0.
-This option tells vim whether to display line numbers for the NERD tree
-window. Use one of the follow lines to set this option: >
- let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=0
- let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=1
- *'NERDTreeSortOrder'*
-Values: a list of regular expressions.
-Default: ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
-This option is set to a list of regular expressions which are used to
-specify the order of nodes under their parent.
-For example, if the option is set to: >
- ['\.vim$', '\.c$', '\.h$', '*', 'foobar']
-then all .vim files will be placed at the top, followed by all .c files then
-all .h files. All files containing the string 'foobar' will be placed at the
-end. The star is a special flag: it tells the script that every node that
-doesnt match any of the other regexps should be placed here.
-If no star is present in 'NERDTreeSortOrder' then one is automatically
-appended to the array.
-The regex '\/$' should be used to match directory nodes.
-After this sorting is done, the files in each group are sorted alphabetically.
-Other examples: >
- (1) ['*', '\/$']
- (2) []
- (3) ['\/$', '\.rb$', '\.php$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
-1. Directories will appear last, everything else will appear above.
-2. Everything will simply appear in alphabetical order.
-3. Dirs will appear first, then ruby and php. Swap files, bak files and vim
- backup files will appear last with everything else preceding them.
- *'NERDTreeStatusline'*
-Values: Any valid statusline setting.
-Default: %{b:NERDTreeRoot.path.strForOS(0)}
-Tells the script what to use as the |'statusline'| setting for NERD tree
-Note that the statusline is set using |:let-&| not |:set| so escaping spaces
-isn't necessary.
-Setting this option to -1 will will deactivate it so that your global
-statusline setting is used instead.
- *'NERDTreeWinPos'*
-Values: "left" or "right"
-Default: "left".
-This option is used to determine where NERD tree window is placed on the
-This option makes it possible to use two different explorer plugins
-simultaneously. For example, you could have the taglist plugin on the left of
-the window and the NERD tree on the right.
- *'NERDTreeWinSize'*
-Values: a positive integer.
-Default: 31.
-This option is used to change the size of the NERD tree when it is loaded.
-4. The NERD tree API *NERDTreeAPI*
-The NERD tree script allows you to add custom key mappings and menu items via
-a set of API calls. Any scripts that use this API should be placed in
-~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/ (*nix) or ~/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin (windows).
-The script exposes some prototype objects that can be used to manipulate the
-tree and/or get information from it: >
- g:NERDTreePath
- g:NERDTreeDirNode
- g:NERDTreeFileNode
- g:NERDTreeBookmark
-See the code/comments in NERD_tree.vim to find how to use these objects. The
-following code conventions are used:
- * class members start with a capital letter
- * instance members start with a lower case letter
- * private members start with an underscore
-See this blog post for more details:
- http://got-ravings.blogspot.com/2008/09/vim-pr0n-prototype-based-objects.html
-4.1. Key map API *NERDTreeKeymapAPI*
-NERDTreeAddKeyMap({options}) *NERDTreeAddKeyMap()*
- Adds a new keymapping for all NERD tree buffers.
- {options} must be a dictionary, and must contain the following keys:
- "key" - the trigger key for the new mapping
- "callback" - the function the new mapping will be bound to
- "quickhelpText" - the text that will appear in the quickhelp (see
- |NERDTree-?|)
- Example: >
- call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
- \ 'key': 'b',
- \ 'callback': 'NERDTreeEchoCurrentNode',
- \ 'quickhelpText': 'echo full path of current node' })
- function! NERDTreeEchoCurrentNode()
- let n = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected()
- if n != {}
- echomsg 'Current node: ' . n.path.str()
- endif
- endfunction
- This code should sit in a file like ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/mymapping.vim.
- It adds a (rather useless) mapping on 'b' which echos the full path to the
- current node.
-4.2. Menu API *NERDTreeMenuAPI*
-NERDTreeAddSubmenu({options}) *NERDTreeAddSubmenu()*
- Creates and returns a new submenu.
- {options} must be a dictionary and must contain the following keys:
- "text" - the text of the submenu that the user will see
- "shortcut" - a shortcut key for the submenu (need not be unique)
- The following keys are optional:
- "isActiveCallback" - a function that will be called to determine whether
- this submenu item will be displayed or not. The callback function must return
- 0 or 1.
- "parent" - the parent submenu of the new submenu (returned from a previous
- invocation of NERDTreeAddSubmenu()). If this key is left out then the new
- submenu will sit under the top level menu.
- See below for an example.
-NERDTreeAddMenuItem({options}) *NERDTreeAddMenuItem()*
- Adds a new menu item to the NERD tree menu (see |NERDTreeMenu|).
- {options} must be a dictionary and must contain the
- following keys:
- "text" - the text of the menu item which the user will see
- "shortcut" - a shortcut key for the menu item (need not be unique)
- "callback" - the function that will be called when the user activates the
- menu item.
- The following keys are optional:
- "isActiveCallback" - a function that will be called to determine whether
- this menu item will be displayed or not. The callback function must return
- 0 or 1.
- "parent" - if the menu item belongs under a submenu then this key must be
- specified. This value for this key will be the object that
- was returned when the submenu was created with |NERDTreeAddSubmenu()|.
- See below for an example.
-NERDTreeAddMenuSeparator([{options}]) *NERDTreeAddMenuSeparator()*
- Adds a menu separator (a row of dashes).
- {options} is an optional dictionary that may contain the following keys:
- "isActiveCallback" - see description in |NERDTreeAddMenuItem()|.
-Below is an example of the menu API in action. >
- call NERDTreeAddMenuSeparator()
- call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({
- \ 'text': 'a (t)op level menu item',
- \ 'shortcut': 't',
- \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction' })
- let submenu = NERDTreeAddSubmenu({
- \ 'text': 'a (s)ub menu',
- \ 'shortcut': 's' })
- call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({
- \ 'text': '(n)ested item 1',
- \ 'shortcut': 'n',
- \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction',
- \ 'parent': submenu })
- call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({
- \ 'text': '(n)ested item 2',
- \ 'shortcut': 'n',
- \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction',
- \ 'parent': submenu })
-This will create the following menu: >
- --------------------
- a (t)op level menu item
- a (s)ub menu
-Where selecting "a (s)ub menu" will lead to a second menu: >
- (n)ested item 1
- (n)ested item 2
-When any of the 3 concrete menu items are selected the function "SomeFunction"
-will be called.
-NERDTreeRender() *NERDTreeRender()*
- Re-renders the NERD tree buffer. Useful if you change the state of the
- tree and you want to it to be reflected in the UI.
-5. About *NERDTreeAbout*
-The author of the NERD tree is a terrible terrible monster called Martyzilla
-who gobbles up small children with milk and sugar for breakfast.
-He can be reached at martin.grenfell at gmail dot com. He would love to hear
-from you, so feel free to send him suggestions and/or comments about this
-plugin. Don't be shy --- the worst he can do is slaughter you and stuff you in
-the fridge for later ;)
-The latest stable versions can be found at
- http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658
-The latest dev versions are on github
- http://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
-6. Changelog *NERDTreeChangelog*
- features:
- - NERDTreeFind to reveal the node for the current buffer in the tree,
- see |NERDTreeFind|. This effectively merges the FindInNERDTree plugin (by
- Doug McInnes) into the script.
- - make NERDTreeQuitOnOpen apply to the t/T keymaps too. Thanks to Stefan
- Ritter and Rémi Prévost.
- - truncate the root node if wider than the tree window. Thanks to Victor
- Gonzalez.
- bugfixes:
- - really fix window state restoring
- - fix some win32 path escaping issues. Thanks to Stephan Baumeister, Ricky,
- jfilip1024, and Chris Chambers
- - add a new programmable menu system (see :help NERDTreeMenu).
- - add new APIs to add menus/menu-items to the menu system as well as
- custom key mappings to the NERD tree buffer (see :help NERDTreeAPI).
- - removed the old API functions
- - added a mapping to maximize/restore the size of nerd tree window, thanks
- to Guillaume Duranceau for the patch. See :help NERDTree-A for details.
- - fix a bug where secondary nerd trees (netrw hijacked trees) and
- NERDTreeQuitOnOpen didnt play nicely, thanks to Curtis Harvey.
- - fix a bug where the script ignored directories whose name ended in a dot,
- thanks to Aggelos Orfanakos for the patch.
- - fix a bug when using the x mapping on the tree root, thanks to Bryan
- Venteicher for the patch.
- - fix a bug where the cursor position/window size of the nerd tree buffer
- wasnt being stored on closing the window, thanks to Richard Hart.
- - fix a bug where NERDTreeMirror would mirror the wrong tree
- - fix a bug where a non-listed no-name buffer was getting created every
- time the tree windows was created, thanks to Derek Wyatt and owen1
- - make <CR> behave the same as the 'o' mapping
- - some helptag fixes in the doc, thanks strull
- - fix a bug when using :set nohidden and opening a file where the previous
- buf was modified. Thanks iElectric
- - other minor fixes
- New features:
- - add mappings to open files in a vsplit, see :help NERDTree-s and :help
- NERDTree-gs
- - make the statusline for the nerd tree window default to something
- hopefully more useful. See :help 'NERDTreeStatusline'
- Bugfixes:
- - make the hijack netrw functionality work when vim is started with "vim
- <some dir>" (thanks to Alf Mikula for the patch).
- - fix a bug where the CWD wasnt being changed for some operations even when
- NERDTreeChDirMode==2 (thanks to Lucas S. Buchala)
- - add -bar to all the nerd tree :commands so they can chain with other
- :commands (thanks to tpope)
- - fix bugs when ignorecase was set (thanks to nach)
- - fix a bug with the relative path code (thanks to nach)
- - fix a bug where doing a :cd would cause :NERDTreeToggle to fail (thanks nach)
- Bugfixes:
- - fix bugs with :NERDTreeToggle and :NERDTreeMirror when 'hidden
- was not set
- - fix a bug where :NERDTree <path> would fail if <path> was relative and
- didnt start with a ./ or ../ Thanks to James Kanze.
- - make the q mapping work with secondary (:e <dir> style) trees,
- thanks to jamessan
- - fix a bunch of small bugs with secondary trees
- More insane refactoring.
- - hijack netrw so that doing an :edit <directory> will put a NERD tree in
- the window rather than a netrw browser. See :help 'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'
- - allow sharing of trees across tabs, see :help :NERDTreeMirror
- - remove "top" and "bottom" as valid settings for NERDTreeWinPos
- - change the '<tab>' mapping to 'i'
- - change the 'H' mapping to 'I'
- - lots of refactoring
-7. Credits *NERDTreeCredits*
-Thanks to the following people for testing, bug reports, ideas etc. Without
-you I probably would have got bored of the hacking the NERD tree and
-just downloaded pr0n instead.
- Tim Carey-Smith (halorgium)
- Vigil
- Nick Brettell
- Thomas Scott Urban
- Terrance Cohen
- Yegappan Lakshmanan
- Jason Mills
- Michael Geddes (frogonwheels)
- Yu Jun
- Michael Madsen
- AOYAMA Shotaro
- Zhang Weiwu
- Niels Aan de Brugh
- Olivier Yiptong
- Zhang Shuhan
- Cory Echols
- Piotr Czachur
- Yuan Jiang
- Matan Nassau
- Maxim Kim
- Charlton Wang
- Matt Wozniski (godlygeek)
- knekk
- Sean Chou
- Ryan Penn
- Simon Peter Nicholls
- Michael Foobar
- Tomasz Chomiuk
- Denis Pokataev
- Tim Pope (tpope)
- James Kanze
- James Vega (jamessan)
- Frederic Chanal (nach)
- Alf Mikula
- Lucas S. Buchala
- Curtis Harvey
- Guillaume Duranceau
- Richard Hart (hates)
- Doug McInnes
- Stefan Ritter
- Rémi Prévost
- Victor Gonzalez
- Stephan Baumeister
- Ricky
- jfilip1024
- Chris Chambers
-8. License *NERDTreeLicense*
-The NERD tree is released under the wtfpl.
-See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING.
diff --git a/vim/doc/bufexplorer.txt b/vim/doc/bufexplorer.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 06e9223..0000000
--- a/vim/doc/bufexplorer.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-*bufexplorer.txt* Buffer Explorer Last Change: 22 Oct 2010
-Buffer Explorer *buffer-explorer* *bufexplorer*
- Version 7.2.8
-Plugin for easily exploring (or browsing) Vim |:buffers|.
-|bufexplorer-installation| Installation
-|bufexplorer-usage| Usage
-|bufexplorer-windowlayout| Window Layout
-|bufexplorer-customization| Customization
-|bufexplorer-changelog| Change Log
-|bufexplorer-todo| Todo
-|bufexplorer-credits| Credits
-For Vim version 7.0 and above.
-This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
-{Vi does not have any of this}
-INSTALLATION *bufexplorer-installation*
-To install:
- - Download the bufexplorer.zip.
- - Extract the zip archive into your runtime directory.
- The archive contains plugin/bufexplorer.vim, and doc/bufexplorer.txt.
- - Start Vim or goto an existing instance of Vim.
- - Execute the following command:
- :helptag <your runtime directory>/doc
- This will generate all the help tags for any file located in the doc
- directory.
-USAGE *bufexplorer-usage*
-To start exploring in the current window, use: >
- \be or :BufExplorer
-To start exploring in a newly split horizontal window, use: >
- \bs or :BufExplorerHorizontalSplit
-To start exploring in a newly split vertical window, use: >
- \bv or :BufExplorerVerticalSplit
-If you would like to use something other than '\', you may simply change the
-leader (see |mapleader|).
-Note: If the current buffer is modified when bufexplorer started, the current
- window is always split and the new bufexplorer is displayed in that new
- window.
-Commands to use once exploring:
- <F1> Toggle help information.
- <enter> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
- window.
- <leftmouse> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
- window.
- <shift-enter> Opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab.
- d |:delete|the buffer under the cursor from the list. The
- buffer's 'buflisted' is cleared. This allows for the buffer to
- be displayed again using the 'show unlisted' command.
- R Toggles relative path/absolute path.
- T Toggles to show only buffers for this tab or not.
- D |:wipeout|the buffer under the cursor from the list. When a
- buffers is wiped, it will not be shown when unlisted buffer are
- displayed.
- f Toggles whether you are taken to the active window when
- selecting a buffer or not.
- o Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
- window.
- p Toggles the showing of a split filename/pathname.
- q Quit exploring.
- r Reverses the order the buffers are listed in.
- s Selects the order the buffers are listed in. Either by buffer
- number, file name, file extension, most recently used (MRU), or
- full path.
- t Opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab.
- u Toggles the showing of "unlisted" buffers.
-Once invoked, Buffer Explorer displays a sorted list (MRU is the default
-sort method) of all the buffers that are currently opened. You are then
-able to move the cursor to the line containing the buffer's name you are
-wanting to act upon. Once you have selected the buffer you would like,
-you can then either open it, close it(delete), resort the list, reverse
-the sort, quit exploring and so on...
-WINDOW LAYOUT *bufexplorer-windowlayout*
-" Press <F1> for Help
-" Sorted by mru | Locate buffer | Absolute Split path
- 01 %a bufexplorer.txt C:\Vim\vimfiles\doc line 87
- 02 # bufexplorer.vim c:\Vim\vimfiles\plugin line 1
- | | | | |
- | | | | +-- Current Line #.
- | | | +-- Relative/Full Path
- | | +-- Buffer Name.
- | +-- Buffer Attributes. See|:buffers|for more information.
- +-- Buffer Number. See|:buffers|for more information.
-CUSTOMIZATION *bufexplorer-customization*
- *g:bufExplorerChgWin*
-If set, bufexplorer will bring up the selected buffer in the window specified
-by g:bufExplorerChgWin.
- *g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp*
-To control whether the default help is displayed or not, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=0 " Do not show default help.
- let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=1 " Show default help.
-The default is to show the default help.
- *g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp*
-To control whether detailed help is display by, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp=0 " Do not show detailed help.
- let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp=1 " Show detailed help.
-The default is NOT to show detailed help.
- *g:bufExplorerFindActive*
-To control whether you are taken to the active window when selecting a buffer,
-use: >
- let g:bufExplorerFindActive=0 " Do not go to active window.
- let g:bufExplorerFindActive=1 " Go to active window.
-The default is to be taken to the active window.
- *g:bufExplorerFuncRef*
-When a buffer is selected, the functions specified either singly or as a list
-will be called.
- *g:bufExplorerReverseSort*
-To control whether to sort the buffer in reverse order or not, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerReverseSort=0 " Do not sort in reverse order.
- let g:bufExplorerReverseSort=1 " Sort in reverse order.
-The default is NOT to sort in reverse order.
- *g:bufExplorerShowDirectories*
-Directories usually show up in the list from using a command like ":e .".
-To control whether to show directories in the buffer list or not, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=1 " Show directories.
- let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=0 " Don't show directories.
-The default is to show directories.
- *g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath*
-To control whether to show absolute paths or relative to the current
-directory, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=0 " Show absolute paths.
- let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1 " Show relative paths.
-The default is to show absolute paths.
- *g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer*
-To control weither or not to show buffers on for the specific tab or not, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer=0 " No.
- let g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer=1 " Yes.
-The default is not to show.
- *g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted*
-To control whether to show unlisted buffer or not, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted=0 " Do not show unlisted buffers.
- let g:bufExplorerShowUnlisted=1 " Show unlisted buffers.
-The default is to NOT show unlisted buffers.
- *g:bufExplorerSortBy*
-To control what field the buffers are sorted by, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerSortBy='extension' " Sort by file extension.
- let g:bufExplorerSortBy='fullpath' " Sort by full file path name.
- let g:bufExplorerSortBy='mru' " Sort by most recently used.
- let g:bufExplorerSortBy='name' " Sort by the buffer's name.
- let g:bufExplorerSortBy='number' " Sort by the buffer's number.
-The default is to sort by mru.
- *g:bufExplorerSplitBelow*
-To control where the new split window will be placed above or below the
-current window, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerSplitBelow=1 " Split new window below current.
- let g:bufExplorerSplitBelow=0 " Split new window above current.
-The default is to use what ever is set by the global &splitbelow
- *g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName*
-To control whether to split out the path and file name or not, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName=1 " Split the path and file name.
- let g:bufExplorerSplitOutPathName=0 " Don't split the path and file
- " name.
-The default is to split the path and file name.
- *g:bufExplorerSplitRight*
-To control where the new vsplit window will be placed to the left or right of
-current window, use: >
- let g:bufExplorerSplitRight=0 " Split left.
- let g:bufExplorerSplitRight=1 " Split right.
-The default is to use the global &splitright.
-CHANGE LOG *bufexplorer-changelog*
-7.2.8 - Enhancements:
- * Thanks to Charles Campbell for integrating bufexplorer with GDBMGR.
- http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#GDBMGR
-7.2.7 - Fix:
- * My 1st attempt to fix the "cache" issue where buffers information
- has changed but the cache/display does not reflect those changes.
- More work still needs to be done.
-7.2.6 - Fix:
- * Thanks to Michael Henry for pointing out that I totally forgot to
- update the inline help to reflect the previous change to the 'd'
- and 'D' keys. Opps!
-7.2.5 - Fix:
- * Philip Morant suggested switching the command (bwipe) associated
- with the 'd' key with the command (bdelete) associated with the 'D'
- key. This made sense since the 'd' key is more likely to be used
- compared to the 'D' key.
-7.2.4 - Fix:
- * I did not implement the patch provided by Godefroid Chapelle
- correctly. I missed one line which happened to be the most
- important one :)
-7.2.3 - Enhancements:
- * Thanks to David Fishburn for helping me out with a much needed
- code overhaul as well as some awesome performance enhancements.
- He also reworked the handling of tabs.
- * Thanks to Vladimir Dobriakov for making the suggestions on
- enhancing the documentation to include a better explaination of
- what is contained in the main bufexplorer window.
- * Thanks to Yuriy Ershov for added code that when the bufexplorer
- window is opened, the cursor is now positioned at the line with the
- active buffer (useful in non-MRU sort modes).
- * Yuriy also added the abiltiy to cycle through the sort fields in
- reverse order.
- Fixes:
- * Thanks to Michael Henry for supplying a patch that allows
- bufexplorer to be opened even when there is one buffer or less.
- * Thanks to Godefroid Chapelle for supplying a patch that fixed
- MRU sort order after loading a session.
-7.2.2 - Fixes:
- * Thanks to David L. Dight for spotting and fixing an issue when
- using ctrl^. bufexplorer would incorrectly handle the previous
- buffer so that when ctrl^ was pressed the incorrect file was opened.
-7.2.1 - Fixes:
- * Thanks to Dimitar for spotting and fixing a feature that was
- inadvertently left out of the previous version. The feature was
- when bufexplorer was used together with WinManager, you could use
- the tab key to open a buffer in a split window.
-7.2.0 - Enhancements:
- * For all those missing the \bs and \bv commands, these have now
- returned. Thanks to Phil O'Connell for asking for the return of
- these missing features and helping test out this version.
- Fixes:
- * Fixed problem with the bufExplorerFindActive code not working
- correctly.
- * Fixed an incompatibility between bufexplorer and netrw that caused
- buffers to be incorrectly removed from the MRU list.
-7.1.7 - Fixes:
- * TaCahiroy fixed several issues related to opening a buffer in a
- tab.
-7.1.6 - Fixes:
- * Removed ff=unix from modeline in bufexplorer.txt. Found by Bill
- McCarthy.
-7.1.5 - Fixes:
- * Could not open unnamed buffers. Fixed by TaCahiroy.
-7.1.4 - Fixes:
- * Sometimes when a file's path has 'white space' in it, extra buffers
- would be created containing each piece of the path. i.e:
- opening c:\document and settings\test.txt would create a buffer
- named "and" and a buffer named "Documents". This was reported and
- fixed by TaCa Yoss.
-7.1.3 - Fixes:
- * Added code to allow only one instance of the plugin to run at a
- time. Thanks Dennis Hostetler.
-7.1.2 - Fixes:
- * Fixed a jumplist issue spotted by JiangJun. I overlooked the
- 'jumplist' and with a couple calls to 'keepjumps', everything is
- fine again.
- * Went back to just having a plugin file, no autoload file. By having
- the autoload, WinManager was no longer working and without really
- digging into the cause, it was easier to go back to using just a
- plugin file.
-7.1.1 - Fixes:
- * A problem spotted by Thomas Arendsen Hein.
- When running Vim (7.1.94), error E493 was being thrown.
- Enhancements:
- * Added 'D' for 'delete' buffer as the 'd' command was a 'wipe'
- buffer.
-7.1.0 - Another 'major' update, some by Dave Larson, some by me.
- * Making use of 'autoload' now to make the plugin load quicker.
- * Removed '\bs' and '\bv'. These are now controlled by the user. The
- user can issue a ':sp' or ':vs' to create a horizontal or vertical
- split window and then issue a '\be'
- * Added handling of tabs.
-7.0.17 - Fixed issue with 'drop' command.
- Various enhancements and improvements.
-7.0.16 - Fixed issue reported by Liu Jiaping on non Windows systems, which was
- ...
- Open file1, open file2, modify file1, open bufexplorer, you get the
- following error:
- --------8<--------
- Error detected while processing function
- <SNR>14_StartBufExplorer..<SNR>14_SplitOpen:
- line 4:
- E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)
- But the worse thing is, when I want to save the current buffer and
- type ':w', I get another error message:
- E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set
- --------8<--------
-7.0.15 - Thanks to Mark Smithfield for suggesting bufexplorer needed to handle
- the ':args' command.
-7.0.14 - Thanks to Randall Hansen for removing the requirement of terminal
- versions to be recompiled with 'gui' support so the 'drop' command
- would work. The 'drop' command is really not needed in terminal
- versions.
-7.0.13 - Fixed integration with WinManager.
- Thanks to Dave Eggum for another update.
- - Fix: The detailed help didn't display the mapping for toggling
- the split type, even though the split type is displayed.
- - Fixed incorrect description in the detailed help for toggling
- relative or full paths.
- - Deprecated s:ExtractBufferNbr(). Vim's str2nr() does the same
- thing.
- - Created a s:Set() function that sets a variable only if it hasn't
- already been defined. It's useful for initializing all those
- default settings.
- - Removed checks for repetitive command definitions. They were
- unnecessary.
- - Made the help highlighting a little more fancy.
- - Minor reverse compatibility issue: Changed ambiguous setting
- names to be more descriptive of what they do (also makes the code
- easier to follow):
- Changed bufExplorerSortDirection to bufExplorerReverseSort
- Changed bufExplorerSplitType to bufExplorerSplitVertical
- Changed bufExplorerOpenMode to bufExplorerUseCurrentWindow
- - When the BufExplorer window closes, all the file-local marks are
- now deleted. This may have the benefit of cleaning up some of the
- jumplist.
- - Changed the name of the parameter for StartBufExplorer from
- "split" to "open". The parameter is a string which specifies how
- the buffer will be open, not if it is split or not.
- - Deprecated DoAnyMoreBuffersExist() - it is a one line function
- only used in one spot.
- - Created four functions (SplitOpen(), RebuildBufferList(),
- UpdateHelpStatus() and ReSortListing()) all with one purpose - to
- reduce repeated code.
- - Changed the name of AddHeader() to CreateHelp() to be more
- descriptive of what it does. It now returns an array instead of
- updating the window directly. This has the benefit of making the
- code more efficient since the text the function returns is used a
- little differently in the two places the function is called.
- - Other minor simplifications.
-7.0.12 - MAJOR Update.
- This version will ONLY run with Vim version 7.0 or greater.
- Dave Eggum has made some 'significant' updates to this latest
- version:
- - Added BufExplorerGetAltBuf() global function to be used in the
- user’s rulerformat.
- - Added g:bufExplorerSplitRight option.
- - Added g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath option with mapping.
- - Added current line highlighting.
- - The split type can now be changed whether bufexplorer is opened
- in split mode or not.
- - Various major and minor bug fixes and speed improvements.
- - Sort by extension.
- Other improvements/changes:
- - Changed the help key from '?' to <F1> to be more 'standard'.
- - Fixed splitting of vertical bufexplorer window.
- Hopefully I have not forgot something :)
-7.0.11 - Fixed a couple of highlighting bugs, reported by David Eggum. He also
- changed passive voice to active on a couple of warning messages.
-7.0.10 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. If the 'ssl' option is set,
- the slash character used when displaying the path was incorrect.
-7.0.9 - Martin Grenfell found and eliminated an annoying bug in the
- bufexplorer/winmanager integration. The bug was were an
- annoying message would be displayed when a window was split or
- a new file was opened in a new window. Thanks Martin!
-7.0.8 - Thanks to Mike Li for catching a bug in the WinManager integration.
- The bug was related to the incorrect displaying of the buffer
- explorer's window title.
-7.0.7 - Thanks to Jeremy Cowgar for adding a new enhancement. This
- enhancement allows the user to press 'S', that is capital S, which
- will open the buffer under the cursor in a newly created split
- window.
-7.0.6 - Thanks to Larry Zhang for finding a bug in the "split" buffer code.
- If you force set g:bufExplorerSplitType='v' in your vimrc, and if you
- tried to do a \bs to split the bufexplorer window, it would always
- split horizontal, not vertical. He also found that I had a typeo in
- that the variable g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize was all lower case in
- the documentation which was incorrect.
-7.0.5 - Thanks to Mun Johl for pointing out a bug that if a buffer was
- modified, the '+' was not showing up correctly.
-7.0.4 - Fixed a problem discovered first by Xiangjiang Ma. Well since I've
- been using vim 7.0 and not 6.3, I started using a function (getftype)
- that is not in 6.3. So for backward compatibility, I conditionaly use
- this function now. Thus, the g:bufExplorerShowDirectories feature is
- only available when using vim 7.0 and above.
-7.0.3 - Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a problem when the last
- buffer was deleted. This issue got me to rewrite the buffer display
- logic (which I've wanted to do for sometime now).
- Also great thanks to Dave Eggum for coming up with idea for
- g:bufExplorerShowDirectories. Read the above information about this
- feature.
-7.0.2 - Thanks to Thomas Arendsen Hein for finding a problem when a user
- has the default help turned off and then brought up the explorer. An
- E493 would be displayed.
-7.0.1 - Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a couple problems.
- The first problem allowed a modified buffer to be deleted. Opps! The
- second problem occurred when several files were opened, BufExplorer
- was started, the current buffer was deleted using the 'd' option, and
- then BufExplorer was exited. The deleted buffer was still visible
- while it is not in the buffers list. Opps again!
-7.0.0 - Thanks to Shankar R. for suggesting to add the ability to set
- the fixed width (g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize) of a new window
- when opening bufexplorer vertically and fixed height
- (g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize) of a new window when opening
- bufexplorer horizontally. By default, the windows are normally
- split to use half the existing width or height.
-6.3.0 - Added keepjumps so that the jumps list would not get cluttered with
- bufexplorer related stuff.
-6.2.3 - Thanks to Jay Logan for finding a bug in the vertical split position
- of the code. When selecting that the window was to be split
- vertically by doing a '\bv', from then on, all splits, i.e. '\bs',
- were split vertically, even though g:bufExplorerSplitType was not set
- to 'v'.
-6.2.2 - Thanks to Patrik Modesto for adding a small improvement. For some
- reason his bufexplorer window was always showing up folded. He added
- 'setlocal nofoldenable' and it was fixed.
-6.2.1 - Thanks goes out to Takashi Matsuo for added the 'fullPath' sorting
- logic and option.
-6.2.0 - Thanks goes out to Simon Johann-Ganter for spotting and fixing a
- problem in that the last search pattern is overridden by the search
- pattern for blank lines.
-6.1.6 - Thanks to Artem Chuprina for finding a pesky bug that has been around
- for sometime now. The <esc> key mapping was causing the buffer
- explored to close prematurely when vim was run in an xterm. The <esc>
- key mapping is now removed.
-6.1.5 - Thanks to Khorev Sergey. Added option to show default help or not.
-6.1.4 - Thanks goes out to Valery Kondakoff for suggesting the addition of
- setlocal nonumber and foldcolumn=0. This allows for line numbering
- and folding to be turned off temporarily while in the explorer.
-6.1.3 - Added folding. Did some code cleanup. Added the ability to force the
- newly split window to be temporarily vertical, which was suggested by
- Thomas Glanzmann.
-6.1.2 - Now pressing the <esc> key will quit, just like 'q'.
- Added folds to hide winmanager configuration.
- If anyone had the 'C' option in their cpoptions they would receive
- a E10 error on startup of BufExplorer. cpo is now saved, updated and
- restored. Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr.
- Attempted to make sure there can only be one BufExplorer window open
- at a time.
-6.1.1 - Thanks to Brian D. Goodwin for adding toupper to FileNameCmp. This
- way buffers sorted by name will be in the correct order regardless of
- case.
-6.0.16 - Thanks to Andre Pang for the original patch/idea to get bufexplorer
- to work in insertmode/modeless mode (evim). Added Initialize
- and Cleanup autocommands to handle commands that need to be
- performed when starting or leaving bufexplorer.
-6.0.15 - Srinath Avadhanulax added a patch for winmanager.vim.
-6.0.14 - Fix a few more bug that I thought I already had fixed. Thanks
- to Eric Bloodworth for adding 'Open Mode/Edit in Place'. Added
- vertical splitting.
-6.0.13 - Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. for pointing out some embarrassing
- typos that I had in the documentation. I guess I need to run
- the spell checker more :o)
-6.0.12 - Thanks to Madoka Machitani, for the tip on adding the augroup command
- around the MRUList autocommands.
-6.0.11 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. '"=' was being added to the
- search history which messed up hlsearch.
-6.0.10 - Added the necessary hooks so that the Srinath Avadhanula's
- winmanager.vim script could more easily integrate with this script.
- Tried to improve performance.
-6.0.9 - Added MRU (Most Recently Used) sort ordering.
-6.0.8 - Was not resetting the showcmd command correctly.
- Added nifty help file.
-6.0.7 - Thanks to Brett Carlane for some great enhancements. Some are added,
- some are not, yet. Added highlighting of current and alternate
- filenames. Added splitting of path/filename toggle. Reworked
- ShowBuffers().
- Changed my email address.
-6.0.6 - Copyright notice added. Needed this so that it could be distributed
- with Debian Linux. Fixed problem with the SortListing() function
- failing when there was only one buffer to display.
-6.0.5 - Fixed problems reported by David Pascoe, in that you where unable to
- hit 'd' on a buffer that belonged to a files that no longer existed
- and that the 'yank' buffer was being overridden by the help text when
- the bufexplorer was opened.
-6.0.4 - Thanks to Charles Campbell, Jr. for making this plugin more plugin
- *compliant*, adding default keymappings of <Leader>be and <Leader>bs
- as well as fixing the 'w:sortDirLabel not being defined' bug.
-6.0.3 - Added sorting capabilities. Sort taken from explorer.vim.
-6.0.2 - Can't remember. (2001-07-25)
-6.0.1 - Initial release.
-TODO *bufexplorer-todo*
-- Nothing as of now, buf if you have any suggestions, drop me an email.
-CREDITS *bufexplorer-credits*
-Author: Jeff Lanzarotta <delux256-vim at yahoo dot com>
-Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for
-making the world's best editor (IMHO). I also want to thank everyone who
-helped and gave me suggestions. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out so I
-won't list names.
diff --git a/vim/doc/solarized.txt b/vim/doc/solarized.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ebd68..0000000
--- a/vim/doc/solarized.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-*solarized.vim* for Vim version 7.3 or newer. Modified: 2011 May 05
- Solarized Vim Colorscheme by Ethan Schoonover ~
-Solarized Colorscheme *solarized*
- *solarized-help*
- *solarized-colors*
- *solarized-colorscheme*
- *vim-colors-solarized*
-Solarized is a carefully designed selective contrast colorscheme with dual
-light and dark modes that runs in both GUI, 256 and 16 color modes.
-See the homepage at http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized for screenshots and
-0. Install |solarized-install|
-1. Solarized Menu |solarized-menu|
-2. Options |solarized-options|
-3. Toggle Background |solarized-togglebg|
-4. Terminal Issues |solarized-term|
-0. Install *solarized-install*
-Note: I recommend using Tim Pope's pathogen plugin to install this
-colorscheme. See https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen . If you've installed
-pathogen properly you can install Solarized with the following commands,
-followed by the .vimrc configuration below.
- $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
- $ git clone https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized.git
-If you aren't using pathogen, you can use the following three steps to install
-1. Download the solarized distribution (available on the homepage above)
- and unarchive the file.
-2. Move `solarized.vim` to your `.vim/colors` directory.
-3. Move each of the files in each subdirectories to the corresponding .vim
- subdirectory (e.g. autoload/togglebg.vim goes into your .vim/autoload
- directory as .vim/autoload/togglebg.vim).
-After installation, place the following lines in your .vimrc:
- syntax enable
- set background=dark
- colorscheme solarized
-or, for the light background mode of Solarized:
- syntax enable
- set background=light
- colorscheme solarized
-1. Solarized Menu *solarized-menu*
-Solarized makes available a menu when used in Vim GUI mode (gvim, macvim).
-This menu includes many of the options detailed below so that you can test out
-different values quickly without modifying your .vimrc file. If you wish to
-turn off this menu permanently, simply place the following line in your .vimrc
-above the "colorscheme solarized" line.
- let g:solarized_menu=0
-2. Toggle Background *solarized-togglebg*
- *toggle-bg* *togglebg*
- *toggle-background*
-Solarized comes with Toggle Background, a simple plugin to switch between
-light and dark background modes and reset the colorscheme. This is most useful
-for colorschemes that support both light and dark modes and in terminals or
-gui vim windows where the background will be properly set.
-Toggle Background can be accessed by:
- * the Solarized menu (in Vim gui mode)
- * the Window menu (in Vim gui mode, even if the Solarized menu is off)
- * the "yin/yang" toolbar button (in Vim gui mode)
- * the default mapping of <F5>
- * custom key mapping you set in your .vimrc (see below)
- * command line via ":ToggleBG" (no quotes)
-Toggle Background starts with a default mapping to function key <F5>. If you
-are already using this in a mapping, Toggle Background will not map itself to
-a default and you will have to map it manually in your .vimrc file, or
-remove/change your existing <F5> mapping to another value. To customize the
-keyboard mapping in your .vimrc file, use the following line, changing the
-"<F5>" value to the key or key combination you wish to use:
- call togglebg#map("<F5>")
-Note that you'll want to use a single function key or equivalent if you want
-the plugin to work in all modes (normal, insert, visual).
-When using the plugin during normal, visual, or insert mode, there should be
-no interruption in workflow. However, if you activate the plugin during
-REPLACE mode, you will switch to standard insert mode (you will leave the
-overwrite replace mode).
-3. Solarized Terminal Issues *solarized-term*
-If you are going to use Solarized in Terminal mode (i.e. not in a GUI version
-like gvim or macvim), **please please please** consider setting your terminal
-emulator's colorscheme to used the Solarized palette. I've included palettes
-for some popular terminal emulator as well as Xdefaults in the official
-Solarized download available from the Solarized homepage listed at the top of
-this help document. If you use Solarized *without* these colors, Solarized
-will need to be told to degrade its colorscheme to a set compatible with the
-limited 256 terminal palette (whereas by using the terminal's 16 ansi color
-values, you can set the correct, specific values for the Solarized palette).
-If you do use the custom terminal colors, solarized.vim should work out of
-the box for you. If you are using a terminal emulator that supports 256
-colors and don't want to use the custom Solarized terminal colors, you will
-need to use the degraded 256 colorscheme. To do so, simply add the following
-line *before* the `colorschem solarized` line:
- let g:solarized_termcolors=256
-Again, I recommend just changing your terminal colors to Solarized values
-either manually or via one of the many terminal schemes available for import.
-4. Solarized Options *solarized-options*
-You can easily modify and experiment with Solarized display options using the
-Solarized menu when using Vim in gui mode. Once you have things set to your
-liking, you can autogenerate the current option list in a format ready for
-insertion into your .vimrc file using the Solarized menu "Autogenerate
-Options" command or at the command line with:
- :SolarizedOptions
-Set these in your vimrc file prior to calling the colorscheme.
-option name default optional
-g:solarized_termcolors= 16 | 256
-g:solarized_termtrans = 0 | 1
-g:solarized_degrade = 0 | 1
-g:solarized_bold = 1 | 0
-g:solarized_underline = 1 | 0
-g:solarized_italic = 1 | 0
-g:solarized_contrast = "normal"| "high" or "low"
-g:solarized_visibility= "normal"| "high" or "low"
-g:solarized_hitrail = 0 | 1
-g:solarized_menu = 1 | 0
-g:solarized_termcolors= 256 | 16 *'solarized_termcolors'*
-The most important option if you are using vim in terminal (non gui) mode!
-This tells Solarized to use the 256 degraded color mode if running in a 256
-color capable terminal. Otherwise, if set to `16` it will use the terminal
-emulators colorscheme (best option as long as you've set the emulators colors
-to the Solarized palette).
-If you are going to use Solarized in Terminal mode (i.e. not in a GUI
-version like gvim or macvim), **please please please** consider setting your
-terminal emulator's colorscheme to used the Solarized palette. I've included
-palettes for some popular terminal emulator as well as Xdefaults in the
-official Solarized download available from:
-http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized . If you use Solarized without these
-colors, Solarized will by default use an approximate set of 256 colors. It
-isn't bad looking and has been extensively tweaked, but it's still not quite
-the real thing.
-g:solarized_termtrans = 0 | 1 *'solarized_termtrans'*
-If you use a terminal emulator with a transparent background and Solarized
-isn't displaying the background color transparently, set this to 1 and
-Solarized will use the default (transparent) background of the terminal
-emulator. *urxvt* required this in my testing; iTerm2 did not.
-Note that on Mac OS X Terminal.app, solarized_termtrans is set to 1 by
-default as this is almost always the best option. The only exception to this
-is if the working terminfo file supports 256 colors (xterm-256color).
-g:solarized_degrade = 0 | 1 *'solarized_degrade'*
-For test purposes only; forces Solarized to use the 256 degraded color mode
-to test the approximate color values for accuracy.
-g:solarized_bold = 1 | 0 *'solarized_bold'*
-g:solarized_underline = 1 | 0 *'solarized_underline'*
-g:solarized_italic = 1 | 0 *'solarized_italic'*
-If you wish to stop Solarized from displaying bold, underlined or
-italicized typefaces, simply assign a zero value to the appropriate
-variable, for example: `let g:solarized_italic=0`
-g:solarized_contrast = "normal"| "high" or "low" *'solarized_contrast'*
-Stick with normal! It's been carefully tested. Setting this option to high
-or low does use the same Solarized palette but simply shifts some values up
-or down in order to expand or compress the tonal range displayed.
-g:solarized_visibility = "normal"| "high" or "low" *'solarized_visibility'*
-Special characters such as trailing whitespace, tabs, newlines, when
-displayed using ":set list" can be set to one of three levels depending on
-your needs.
-g:solarized_hitrail = 0 | 1 *'solarized_hitrail'*
-Visibility can make listchar entities more visible, but if one has set
-cursorline on, these same listchar values standout somewhat less due to the
-background color of the cursorline. g:solarized_hitrail enables highlighting
-of trailing spaces (only one of the listchar types, but a particularly
-important one) while in the cursoline in a different manner in order to make
-them more visible. This may not work consistently as Solarized is using
-a pattern match than can be overridden by a more encompassing syntax-native
-match such as a comment line.
-g:solarized_menu = 1 | 0 *'solarized_menu'*
-Solarized includes a menu providing access to several of the above
-display related options, including contrast and visibility. This allows
-for an easy method of testing different values quickly before settling
-on a final assignment for your .vimrc. If you wish to turn off this menu,
-assign g:solarized_menu a value of 0.
- vim:tw=78:noet:ts=8:ft=help:norl: